Belize Offshore Company basic package includes first year's license fee, registered agent and office, courier and standard documents. Complete and e-mail the Belize Offshore Company application and click the Buy Now button to purchase online.
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Belize Offshore Company
In 1990, Belize entered the offshore scene with the enactment of new legislation creating the International Business Company or Belize Offshore Company, a refinement of the BVI model. Other offshore legislation soon followed, and today Belize is one of the world's leading offshore financial centers.
Belize Offshore Company Attributes
A Belize Offshore Company is a company which conducts its trading and business outside of Belize. Belize's legislation allows a Belize Offshore Company to carry on the following activities within Belize...
- make or maintain deposits with local banks in Belize;
- make or maintain professional contact with persons in Belize;
- prepare or maintain books and records within Belize;
- hold shares in another Belize Offshore Company;
- hold lease of property for use as an office in Belize;
- own a vessel registered in Belize in accordance with the Registration of Merchant Ships Act, 1989;
- hold meetings of its directors or members within Belize.
Belize Offshore Company Advantages
Belize's modern offshore legislation provides for maximum flexibility in global asset protection and tax and investment planning. As a result, users of Belize Offshore Companies can realize many distinct advantages in areas such as:
A Belize Offshore Company is exempt from...
- the payment of all forms of local taxation;
- the payment of stamp duties for transactions in respect of its shares, debt obligations or other securities;
- the payment of stamp duties with respect to all instruments relating in any way to its assets or activities.
Exchange Control
- A Belize Offshore Company is not subject to exchange control regulations.
Security and Confidentiality
With a Belize Offshore Company...
- disclosure of the beneficial owner is not required;
- share register may be inspected only by a shareholder;
- nominee shareholders and bearer shares are permitted;
- assets are protected from confiscation or expropriation orders or similar actions by foreign governments.
Filing Requirements
With a Belize Offshore Company...
- only the Memorandum and Articles are required for public records and the registration of Registers of Directors, Members, and Mortgages and Charges are optional.
Cost Savings
With a Belize Offshore Company...
- no minimum capital is required;
- no audit of accounts is required;
- no filing of annual returns is required;
- only one shareholder and one director are required, who may be corporate;
- no company secretary is required;
- no annual general meeting is required;
- meetings may be held outside of Belize and may be by telephone or other electronic means;
- shares may be issued with or without par value and in any currency.
With a Belize Offshore Company...
- redomiciliation into and out of Belize is permitted;
- registration in any foreign language is permitted.
In addition, Belize's legislation facilitates speedy and simple incorporation, and its modern and computerized IBC Registry can incorporate a company within a few hours.